
Juliana Mrvová: Dreams of Luka

White & Weiss Gallery, Grösslingová 50, Bratislava kurátor: Andrej Dúbravský vernisáž: 8. 6. 2022 o 18.00 trvanie výstavy: 9. 6. – 15. 7. 2022 Výstava „Dreams of Luka“ vo White & Weiss Gallery predstavuje najnovšiu tvorbu Juliany Mrvovej inšpirovanú dlhými


Juliana Mrvová: Dreams of Luka

White & Weiss Gallery, Grösslingová 50, Bratislava kurátor: Andrej Dúbravský vernisáž: 8. 6. 2022 o 18.00 trvanie výstavy: 9. 6. – 15. 7. 2022 Výstava „Dreams of Luka“ vo White & Weiss Gallery predstavuje najnovšiu tvorbu Juliany Mrvovej inšpirovanú dlhými

Sen o krajine POZVANKA (2)

Juliana Mrvová – Sen o krajine (cesta do stredu seba)

JULIANA MRVOVÁ: SEN O KRAJINE – Cesta do stredu seba Dom Umenia, Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava Kurátor: Radek Wohlmuth   Vernisáž: 22.8. 2018 od 17.30 trvanie výstavy: 23. 8. – 22. 9. 2018   Výstava maliarky Juliany Mrvovej Sen o krajine –

Sen o krajine POZVANKA (2)

Juliana Mrvová – Sen o krajine (cesta do stredu seba)

JULIANA MRVOVÁ: SEN O KRAJINE – Cesta do stredu seba Dom Umenia, Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava Kurátor: Radek Wohlmuth   Vernisáž: 22.8. 2018 od 17.30 trvanie výstavy: 23. 8. – 22. 9. 2018   Výstava maliarky Juliany Mrvovej Sen o krajine –


Vor kormoránov (na rieke Son), 280x480cm, 2017

The Raft of Cormorants (on the River Son), 280x480cm, ink, acrylic and pencil on canvas, 2017


Vor kormoránov (na rieke Son), 280x480cm, 2017

The Raft of Cormorants (on the River Son), 280x480cm, ink, acrylic and pencil on canvas, 2017


Travelóg / Travelogue, GJK, 2017

Solo exhibition in Galéria Jána Koniarka, may – july 2017. photo credits: Adam Šakový  


Travelóg / Travelogue, GJK, 2017

Solo exhibition in Galéria Jána Koniarka, may – july 2017. photo credits: Adam Šakový  


Juliana Mrvová in Denník N

Denník N issue with painting & drawings from Travelogue exhibition in GJK Trnava and text by Jana Németh: https://dennikn.sk/802858/je-dobre-odist-a-moct-sa-obzriet-spat/  


Juliana Mrvová in Denník N

Denník N issue with painting & drawings from Travelogue exhibition in GJK Trnava and text by Jana Németh: https://dennikn.sk/802858/je-dobre-odist-a-moct-sa-obzriet-spat/  


On the Mexican Table (La Ceiba), 150x190cm, 2016

painting from artist residency in La Ceiba Gráfica, La Orduna, Mexico, april 2016


On the Mexican Table (La Ceiba), 150x190cm, 2016

painting from artist residency in La Ceiba Gráfica, La Orduna, Mexico, april 2016


Into the Desert (Terlingua), 140x180cm, 2016

Painting from Texas artist residency, march 2016


Into the Desert (Terlingua), 140x180cm, 2016

Painting from Texas artist residency, march 2016


drawings from India

Indian drawings from artistresidency in Sohra / Cherapunjee, state of Meghalaya, May 2016 Jackfruit, 70x90cm, ink & acrylic on hadmade indian paper, 2016 Sohra Rain, (Wild Ants) 70x90cm, ink, acrylic & aquarel on hadmade indian paper, 2016 Ant´s road (itter


drawings from India

Indian drawings from artistresidency in Sohra / Cherapunjee, state of Meghalaya, May 2016 Jackfruit, 70x90cm, ink & acrylic on hadmade indian paper, 2016 Sohra Rain, (Wild Ants) 70x90cm, ink, acrylic & aquarel on hadmade indian paper, 2016 Ant´s road (itter

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La Ceiba Gráfica 2016 (artist residency in Mexico)

Second week of april, I’ve spend in a magnificent, more than hundred years old villa in a village of la Orduna, Coatepec. The place, now taken by a civic association of local and foreign artists is known under the name

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La Ceiba Gráfica 2016 (artist residency in Mexico)

Second week of april, I’ve spend in a magnificent, more than hundred years old villa in a village of la Orduna, Coatepec. The place, now taken by a civic association of local and foreign artists is known under the name

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Corpus Christi 2016 (artist residency in Texas)

In March 2016 I’ve spend 20 days in texan town of Corpus Christi. My friend and wonderful painter, Katarina Janeckova Walshe, who lives here with her husband, invited me generously for three weeks artist in residency stay in her house

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Corpus Christi 2016 (artist residency in Texas)

In March 2016 I’ve spend 20 days in texan town of Corpus Christi. My friend and wonderful painter, Katarina Janeckova Walshe, who lives here with her husband, invited me generously for three weeks artist in residency stay in her house